Building your baby's first home: How a healthy gut during pregnancy benefits you and your child

Read time: 8 minutes

Key takeaways

  • Prenatal Health: A varied diet supports both mother and baby's well-being.
  • Gut Microbiome: Beneficial bacteria are essential for digestion and immune support.
  • Probiotics: They aid in maintaining a healthy gut during pregnancy, benefiting both mother and child.

The bond between mother and baby begins even before birth

The journey to motherhood is as extraordinary as it is transformative. The countless changes a pregnant woman's body undergoes is exciting yet can also be overwhelming. The body you’ve always known may seem to be reworking itself every day and maintaining a healthy gut becomes more important than ever. Eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, protein, and wholegrains is pivotal in promoting your wellbeing and that of your developing child. Incorporating fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut into your diet can also help create and maintain a healthy gut microbiome.


Understanding the gut microbiome

We have often associated bacteria with something bad; however, our bodies are full of good bacteria that are vital for optimal health. These “good” bacteria make up the human microbiota: a complex ecosystem of microorganisms consisting of some 40 trillion bacteria located mostly in our digestive tract. These tiny inhabitants play an essential role in maintaining our health since a balanced and diverse gut microbiome is essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune system support. Newborn babies acquire these beneficial bacteria from their mother: during delivery, breastfeeding, and through skin-to-skin contact. This transfer is essential for the development of babies’ digestive and immune systems. In fact, the first 1000 days of a baby’s life is crucial. From day one through to two years, contact with beneficial bacteria and the development of this microbiota is essential.


Probiotics for stomach issues

During pregnancy, your body undergoes significant hormonal changes and increased nutritional requirements. Meanwhile, your gut microbiota evolves to support you and your developing baby’s changing needs. An imbalance can lead to digestive discomfort, constipation, and bloating. Probiotics can promote a balanced gut microbiome, thus, reducing the fermentation of undigested food in the gut that often leads to bloating and excessive gas.


How do Probiotics benefit you and your baby?

Probiotics may offer numerous benefits to not only you but to your child as well. Research shows that maintaining a healthy gut microbiome during pregnancy may reduce the risk of allergies in childhood as well as later in life. In fact, several scientific studies conclude that probiotics for pregnant women provides several benefits for both mother and child.*


Choosing the right Probiotic for you in your pregnancy

With all this knowledge, you might wonder which is the right probiotic for you and your baby. BioGaia is among the most clinically researched probiotics in the world. With more than 258 clinical studies on approximately 21,000 people of all ages conducted over the past 33 years, BioGaia’s Protectis is the world’s most trusted dietary supplement. The strain of bacteria called Limosilactobacillus (previously, Lactobacillus reuteri) has been clinically proven to help alleviate bloating, gas, occasional constipation, and improve overall gut health. Clinical trials have shown that by strengthening and reinforcing the gastrointestinal microbiota, Protectis supports the journey from pregnancy through baby’s first years of life.* Protectis promotes good digestive health, strengthens your and your baby’s natural immune defenses, and supports his or her developing gastrointestinal and immune systems.* The result is the reduced risk of colic, reflux, and irregular bowel movements.* This could help improve your baby’s sleep which, undoubtedly, will improve yours..*


Give your child the healthiest start at life by building your baby’s first home

Your gut health plays a pivotal role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy by providing a strong start for your baby. Making probiotics a part of your daily routine can support your digestive health, reduce occasional constipation,* alleviate bloating, and promote a thriving gut microbiome.* This means making you feel ​​your best. In turn, your growing child also benefits now and in the future.* Your connection starts even before you meet. So, why not take the time to nurture yourself and your growing baby? Surround your precious bundle with warmth, love, and a healthy gut microbiome, and use probiotics to build your child’s first home. Your baby deserves this as much as you do. Your journey together starts now.

Remember to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the best probiotic regimen for your specific needs.*

Meet the Experts

Lotta Johansson

My professional goal in life is to help people appreciate, cherish and nurture the microbes in their vicinity. One part of that is creating awareness of the importance of a balanced microbiota. Remember, we have never existed without our microbes! Another part is educating people about Probiotics in general and Lactobacillus reuteri in particular.


My professional goal in life is to help people appreciate, cherish and nurture the microbes in their vicinity. One part of that is creating awareness of the importance of a balanced microbiota. Remember, we have never existed without our microbes! Another part is educating people about Probiotics in general and Lactobacillus reuteri in particular.


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